pinch points


what you need to know…

PINCH POINTS burst forth from the Melbourne underground with their 2018 debut EP Mechanical Injury, which was one of four Australian releases included in Bandcamp's 'Best 100 releases of 2018’. Soon after they released their debut LP Moving Parts, and were hailed by Double J as “the sharpest new band in the country” and Music Victoria’s Best Breakthrough Act of 2020. The band toured with Tropical Fuck Storm, supported Amyl and the Sniffers, Kikagaku Moyo, Viagra Boys, RVG and Cash Savage, and opened 2020's Golden Plains to a packed amphitheatre. The band has just returned from a tour of Europe, showcasing their 2022 album Process.

In 2021 the band recorded Process with Anna Laverty (Courtney Barnett, Nick Cave, The Peep Tempel), taking a momentous leap forward into full-force post-punk empowerment. Process by Pinch Points melds catchy cultural critique with a hard-hitting personal expression of empathy and shared grief. A true collaboration, finding consensus from the experiences of four individual humans, Pinch Points embody music-making as an act of friendship and community, upholding the band’s shared belief in the music scene as a real-life platform for connection, strength and solidarity.

‘Melbourne’s Pinch Points blend the best elements of early Wire, The Fall, and Kleenex into a barbed-wire coil of sound that’s as loose and springy as it is dangerously serrated. Familiar elements abound—the warring spoken/sung male/female vocals, the obtuse-angle guitar lines — but it’s been years since they’ve been combined in a way that has felt as nervy and fresh as they do here. [Pinch Points have] found a way to merge protest music with party music — think “Rock Lobster,” if it were about overthrowing the government. Pinch Points put the “riot” back in “riotous.”

- Joseph Edward Keyes (editorial director of bandcamp)